Class 1: Are you tired?
Tiredness seems to the most common complaint when surveys are done on the general public.
In this course, Dr. Hui will share his pearls of wisdom on his success and approach to addressing
problems. He will share his modified “SHINE” protocol in which he optimizes sleep, hormones,
infection, nutrition and emotion to help patients recover from tiredness and brain fog.
Class 2: Autoimmune Diseases
Dr. Hui will share his pearls of wisdom on successfully “curing” patients with rheumatological
diseases, including joint, skin and inflammatory bowel disease. Dr. Hui will address the
underlying causes of auto immune diseases by addressing food sensitivities, infections and toxic
Class 3: Breakthrough innovative technology for curing neuropathy, headaches, neuralgia and
most musculoskeletal pain and disfunctions
A hand-held pulsed radio frequency device that every health practitioner should have in his/her
office. The miraculous, instant, lasting results of using this device will be demonstrated and
taught so that by Monday morning, course attendants will solve many unsolved problems for
patients in their practices.
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